Race Shirts – Response to Vendor Questions

Questions and Answers:

  • Will everyone’s questions’ answers be shared on site?
    A) – Yes, everyone’s questions and answers will be shared.
  • If minimum of each order is 75 or more, when/why would you be ordering quantity of 1-74?
    A) – Teams sometimes ask us questions on where to go to get shirts and an approximate cost per shirt.
  • Will you only split the bid for 2 companies -if at all- between volunteers and racers?
    A) – Yes, there is a possibility for us to split shirt orders for volunteers and that of racers.
  • Front print is specified as 4 color process. This seems to be the first year you’re doing 4 color process. Is that correct?
    A) – The race shirts in the past have been 4-colors.
    If yes, is there any possibility we can view design before March 10/bid due date?
    A) – Design wont be complete until early April.  See past race shirts for examples.
  • How much did you pay last year per racer shirt?
    A) – The final invoice was $14,620 for 2030 race shirts and $1,113 for 200 volunteer shirts in 2016.
  • How much is budgeted this year per racer shirt? Per volunteer shirt?
    A) – Budget has not been finalized.
  • Will any consideration or preference be given for past vendor relationships?
    A) – Consideration will be given per criteria in solicitation.
  • I notice that there are 5 colors and not 4. Should the “Ferguson Twilight” match the 5K/10K in color?
    A) – We will send you the final logo of the front of the shirt…it is not necessarily the logo layout of the run.
  • The volunteer shirts are to be yellow and the runner shirts are to be brushed teal? I only ask because as I was going through catalogs I didn’t see any brushed teal colored polytype shirts, but they are checking for me.
    A) – You are correct…if that is not possible in that correct, the committee will reevaluate colors.